Franz-Böhmert-Str. 1c
28205 Bremen -
42500 -
1924 -
Away fan blocks:
101 - 113 -
SV Werder Bremen
General information
Please make sure that the stairways are kept free and that you do not leave any gaps in the standing room rows open when looking for a seat. Otherwise, especially in the case of a sold-out away section, it will no longer be possible for your friends who get to the stadium after you to find a place in the away section. Therefore, take into account your entire fan base and use the away section in such a way that no free spaces are created in the rows.
You can use the fences in the away section to hang your fence flags. Please attach the fence flags to the fence from the inside. We have significantly reduced the fence for better visibility, and to help you attach banners/fence flags.
Climbing over the fence in front of the away section onto the protective roof in front of it poses a risk to life – not only for you, but also for the fans who are below it.
Getting to the stadium
The area around the "WESERSTADION" is closed to cars at all home games of Werder Bremen two and a half hours before kick-off until shortly after the start of the game. Park+Ride car parks are available for stadium visitors with cars, especially at Hansa-Carré, Pfalzburger Straße, and at Hemelinger Hafen. Follow the signs to find them. Holders of a match ticket for the respective game can travel to the "WESERSTADION" free of charge on BSAG and VBN buses and trains.