Members' general meeting: Standing ovation for Dietmar Hopp
Dietmar Hopp's presence at the meeting attracted a large crowd. Around 400 members, including 178 holding voting rights, attended the meeting. No one abstained from voting. The voters also approved the board's actions and the re-election of Deputy Chairman Kristian Baumgärtner. Furthermore, longstanding members were rewarded for their loyalty.
President Peter Hofmann revealed that the club currently has 6,437 members. In his opening speech he praised “the path that the club has taken since April 2013” and promised to tackle all challenges “with courage and dedication”. “We take special pride in the fact that we've recently had more players coming through our ranks and signing professional contracts,” he said.
Club treasurer Berthold Wipfler offered a glimpse into the club's finances. He confirmed that Hoffenheim have received an unconditional audit certificate.
The audience were particularly interested in Dietmar Hopp's 50-minute speech. The patron reminisced about his days as a Hoffenheim player and recounted stories from his 25-year involvement with the club. At first, he helped coach the first team, where he focused on youth development, which resulted in the foundation of the charity “Anpfiff ins Leben” in the early 2000s. Today, the ‘achtzehn99 AKADEMIE' continues the legacy.
Hopp recounted the journey to the Bundesliga. After taking over a leading role in the sporting body of the Rhein-Neckar region in 2005, he worked hard to bring top-flight football back to the area. “We wanted to establish a club with a sensible and sustainable philosophy, one that locals can identify with,” explained Hopp. “It's worth remembering that we have also created a significant number of new jobs. Furthermore, local businesses have profited from their involvement in professional football,” he added. According to Hopp, Hoffenheim's establishment in the Bundesliga was due to innovation and the adoption of a different approach.
Financial sustainability
Since 2000, German football teams have been allowed to be limited corporations. They're required to adhere to the 50+1 rule, which means that members retain the majority of the shares. Therefore, investors can't have a controlling stake. In the past, the only exceptions to the rule were corporate-backed clubs such as Bayer Leverkusen and VfL Wolfsburg. However, the regulations have since been slightly modified. The DFL and DFB have now agreed that an individual person can have that privilege for the first time, which has directly benefitted Dietmar Hopp and sets a precedent for future decisions.
This ruling and the unanimous vote has enabled Hopp to become majority shareholder. “With every legal decision there are also certain moral obligations,” said Hopp. He feels responsible to care of the club and the region. Taking over the majority of shares will facilitate Hopp's work for a sustainable and successful future, through investments in the infrastructure and academy.
“There will still be a board to monitor the club's economic and sporting matters and the executives will continue their work as usual,” promised Hopp. “Most importantly, the club will continue to carry the same meaning and work under the same philosophy,” he stressed. His takeover allows Hoffenheim to adhere to the “Financial Fair Play” regulations, as well as better prepare the club for future challenges. The 384 members present gave Hopp a standing ovation.
11 x Silver (25-year membership)Christa Friederich, Beate Hohenreuther, Marina Bender, Brigitte Dehning, Hilde Rothmeier, Katharina Walter, Silke Ziegler, Gabi Redweik, Heidi Bender, Carola Gilbert and Ingo Binder.
14 x Gold (40 years):Karl-Heinz Gilbert, Dieter Koch, Volker Noe, Gerd Ries, Ilse Siebler, Matthias Schoy, Ernst Stoiber, Gerhard Max, Matthias Stech, Uwe Bartmann, Achim Heinlein, Holger Pompe, Uwe Kempny and Ilse Axmann.
2 x Honorary member (50 years):Rolf Bender and Edwin Bauer.