
Fan information for the game in Bochum

Away to the newly promoted side: before TSG Hoffenheim's Bundesliga game against VfL Bochum (Saturday at 15:30 CET), TSG's fan representatives have put together all the important information to help you prepare for the match.

Fan paraphernalia

The following items of fan paraphernalia are permitted at TSG's match away to Bochum:

  • Flags with a pole length of up to 1.5 metres
  • Fence and fan club flags (limited possibilities for hanging up)
  • 3 swivel flags

The following items are not permitted:

  • Block banners
  • Double-holder banners
  • Pyrotechnics of any kind
  • Liquids, bottles, and thermos flasks
  • We would also like to expressly point out that the wearing of the brand 'Thor Steinar' is not permitted at the Vonovia Ruhrstadion.
  • The same applies for all other fashion labels with a racist, xenophobic, extremist and/or discriminatory background, even if that is not relevant under criminal law.

Corona Rules

3G Proof:

Proof of "3G status" is a prerequisite for entry into the stadium for all visitors over the age of 6 (fully vaccinated, recovered, or tested negative):

  • Tested: Rapid antigen test by an authorised body and trained personnel. Negative results from tests carried out no earlier than the day before matchday are accepted. Pupils under 16 years of age are considered tested due to compulsory school attendance. Those over the age of 16 must present a "school certificate" regarding test participation, or also a rapid antigen test.
  • Vaccinated: People are considered to be fully vaccinated 14 days after the administration of all necessary COVID-19 doses, i.e., on the 15th day. Regarding the vaccination, you must make clear whether it is a vaccine that requires one or two vaccinations.
  • Recovered: Proof of recovery means proving the presence of a previous infection from SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, if the test was performed by laboratory diagnostics using nucleic acid detection (e.g., PCR test) and was at least 28 days, and a maximum of 6 months, ago.

It is strongly recommended to set up a digital vaccination certificate in an app, which must be presented together with photo ID, without being asked for, on entry to the Vonovia Ruhrstadion. The vaccination certificate must be uploaded to the CovPass App, Corona Warn App, or Luca App beforehand. 

Mask mandate:

  • Medical mouth/nose protection must be worn at all times in the entire stadium grounds. Children up to the end of age 6 are exempt from this rule.
  • There is NO obligation to wear your mouth/nose protection at your permanently assigned seat. However, from an epidemiological point of view, it is recommended to wear your mask at your seat as well.
  • Medical certificates regarding exemption from the mask mandate cannot be taken into account on stadium grounds.

Hygiene rules:

  • When possible, keep at least 1.5m away from other people outside of your personal standing and sitting area at all times on stadium grounds.
  • Avoid forming groups.
  • Avoid direct contact.

General information:

  • In the event that you are warned about breaching hygiene regulations or the rules of conduct, a further breach may result in expulsion from the stadium grounds.
  • In the case of gross violations of infection control rules, which would also constitute a misdemeanour in normal public spaces, you may be transferred to the regulatory authorities.
  • If you have a fever, dry cough, or other symptoms that may suggest coronavirus (in particular shortness of breath, a headache, a sore throat, pain in the limbs, or an impairment to taste and smell), it is essential that you stay at home. Please understand that you may be denied access to the Vonovia Ruhrstadion if you appear to have symptoms.
  • Despite extensive protective measures, there is a residual risk of contracting the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In purchasing a ticket, you confirm that you are aware of this risk.

Access and parking:

Address for fans arriving by car:

Stadionring 26, 44791 Bochum


From the A40 take the Stadion exit and turn left directly at the exit into the 'Stadionring' multi-storey car park, which is exclusively available for away fans. 

  • The parking fee for cars is 4 euros. Payment is made cashless and without a ticket via a number plate recognition system.
  • Buses can park in the car park next to the multi-storey. The fee for this is 10 euros. 

Local public transport

From the main station, take the underground line 308/318 in the direction of Gerthe/Schürbankstraße. Get off at the Planetarium stop. The journey time is three minutes and the fare is included in the admission ticket.

You can reach the Vonovia Ruhrstadion by foot from Bochum main station in approximately 20 minutes. When leaving the station, keep right and follow the Ostring past the hotel high-rise (Park Inn). Turn right onto Castroper Straße, then after Kirmesplatz cross over the main junction. The away sections (west) are located at that first corner of the stadium.

Further information

Stadium opening time and box office:

The stadium will open 120 minutes (13:30 CET) before the game.

There will be no box office on site.


Away section:

Seated block E2 (at standing room price), and seated block F, West Entrance


  • Catering kiosks and mobile catering stands are open and offer the usual range of food and drinks.
  • Please note that only cashless payments are possible. You can pay by EC card, credit card, Apple Pay/Google Pay, among others.


  • During the game against VfL Bochum 1848, there is also a glass ban in the stadium and the surrounding area.
  • Tickets are offered exclusively as print@home tickets. The ticket is only valid as a complete DIN A4 printout in good print quality.
  • Tickets from a mobile phone cannot be read.

Rucksacks and bags:

Small bags up to a size of approximately DIN A4 can be taken into the stadium, but there is no drop-off point for them. Therefore, it may be useful for fans arriving by train to rent a locker at the main station.

Important: rucksacks and bags that exceed this size are not allowed anywhere on stadium grounds. There is also no drop-off point for these.

Alcohol levels:

People who are visibly heavily intoxicated may be refused entry to the stadium.

Barrier-free access to the stadium:

The DFL Foundation have compiled all important information regarding barrier-free access to the stadium.

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