
Find Easter Eggs and win great prizes

First look for virtual Easter Eggs and then win great prizes: Over the coming days, you can win special prizes such as VIP tickets for the home game against Borussia Mönchengladbach on TSG's Instagram channel courtesy of our joint campaign with Audi Germany.

With a bit of luck, TSG's automobile partner Audi Germany will be giving you a special Easter gift this year: you could win two VIP tickets for TSG Hoffenheim's Bundesliga game against Borussia Mönchengladbach (20 April).

You can also win 5x2 tickets for the match against Borussia Mönchengladbach and a LEGO Technic Audi RS Q e-tron courtesy of our social media campaign. How can you participate? It's simple: TSG Hoffenheim are hiding some Easter Eggs in the posts on our Instagram channel until Good Friday. Simply count along, have the correct answer ready on Friday and, with a bit of luck, you will win one of the prizes.

Click here to go to our Instagram account.

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