
Visit to the synagogue in Mannheim

With their work of remembrance, TSG Hoffenheim are making a clear statement that we should never forget, helping raise awareness of the past and trying to make a contribution to better co-existence.

In that vein, on the occasion of the "!Nie wieder" (Never again) day of remembrance in German football, which is organised around 27 January – the day of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp – TSG Hoffenheim have organised various campaigns dedicated to the topic of "Jewish life and anti-Semitism".

An important part is the guided tour with a subsequent conversation in the synagogue in Mannheim (which is expected to last around two hours). The TSG Hoffenheim fan relations team are inviting all interested parties to travel together to Mannheim by train on 28 January to visit the synagogue and talk about life in the Jewish community.

Following the visit, TSG invites you to round off the day together in the TSG Fan House..

All the information at a glance

When is it? Sunday, 28 January 2024 at 14:00 CET

Where is it? Meeting point at Sinsheim Central Station (14:00) or directly at the synagogue in Mannheim (15:45 CET)

You can register by contacting the fan relations team by 26 January 2024 ( or 07261-9493-305). All further details can also be obtained from our fan representatives.

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