
Dominik Hechler joins the TSG media department

Dominik Hechler, 39, is set to bolster the media department of Bundesliga club TSG Hoffenheim in the role of press spokesman. Alongside Jörg Bock and Ruth Pintner, he will act as a contact for media enquiries and appointments as well as for external partners. Hechler most recently worked as senior online editor for sports at ran, part of ProSiebenSat.1Media SE, where he was primarily responsible for covering football.

"Making the step-up to the Bundesliga was always a big goal of mine. It took 15 years and a few detours to realise it," says Dominik Hechler, adding: "In my previous positions in the sports editorial department of the Frankfurter Rundschau, as a trainee at VfL Bochum and in the past ten years at ran, I was able to gain important experience that will serve me well in this new challenge. I am hugely looking forward to an exciting job at a young and innovative club that also runs many incredible projects and initiatives away from the football pitch."

"Dominik will not only enrich our team thanks to his vast experience as a journalist; in his previous positions he has demonstrated how resilient, assertive, creative and service-oriented he is," says TSG communications director Christian Frommert, going on to add: "We are looking forward to working with him."

Hechler joins a well-established TSG media team, whose digital services are managed by Dirk Elbrächter. He is assisted by Deli Beister, Nils Hachmann and Ruben Raths (TSG.TV) as well as Mathis Bange and Jens Schuhmacher (social media). Jörg Bock is in charge of day-to-day media work and is supported by Ruth Pintner, who is also responsible for internal communications and acts as a contact person for enquiries regarding TSG's numerous sustainability and social projects. Accreditations are in the capable hands of Isabella Budig.

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