The new SPIELFELD is out
The December edition of SPIELFELD is now available to read online. This month's issue of the TSG Hoffenheim club magazine includes an in-depth interview with Sebastian Rudy about his passion for darts, a 'No comment' piece with Pavel Kadeřábek, a profile of match analyst Fabian Sander and an article on the Candy Store in Heidelberg. We also sat down for an interview with Paulina Krumbiegel and took a look at some of the quirks we have seen from footballers over the years. You can read about all that and much more in the 112-page magazine.
In addition to the new edition, TSG fans can access all the previous editions online as a special service. The electronic version of the monthly SPIELFELD magazine is available to be browsed through online. You can read through each of the previous 85 issues to date at the click of a mouse.
TSG members will, of course, continue to receive the printed version of SPIELFELD delivered to their door free of charge. The latest issue will then be published online shortly after the print edition is sent out. The archives of TSG history are thus growing ever larger. We hope you have fun browsing!
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