No comment: Kevin Akpoguma

You've already played almost everywhere for TSG. Where have you not yet played?

Alfred Schreuder deployed you on the left flank in 2019. How did you react at the time?

What are your hopes for the future in your private life?

You've already made your comeback – around four months after your serious neck injury. How did that feel?

You've missed a number of games due to injury. Which match would you have particularly liked to play in?

Is there a sport other than football you like to keep track of?

You've set up a gym at home. What's your favourite exercise?

Is there another town that you would like to visit with TSG for a European game?

What makes you optimistic that you will qualify for European competition once again?

You've been playing in Hoffenheim for nine years. What does the club represent to you?