Breitenreiter: "The players should be in the foreground"
André Breitenreiter is a symbol of the fresh start at TSG Hoffenheim. Along with the players and staff members at the club, he wants to consign the disappointing end to the second half of last season to history. "Many pieces of the mosaic have to play a part for a team to be successful. This includes the players, the coaching team, the support staff, the club's employees and the supporters too of course. Everyone should strive for maximum success," said the new head coach in an interview with TSG magazine SPIELFELD. Breitenreiter is confident that the season will be a successful one, with impressions having been consistently positive since he took over. "The focus is on football at TSG. At my previous clubs, there was always background noise and other things that dominated the headlines. Here, though, there is an opportunity to focus on the fundamentals. That's very important if you want to be successful. That's why I was so quick to choose Hoffenheim." The 48-year-old's positivity has already become his trademark at TSG: "There's no reason for me to walk around looking serious. It helps in football if you can play with a sense of freedom and not be afraid." It is however important to him that everyone pulls together and does their best. If that's not the case, things can get tough. "I'll be in there like a shot, I won't stand for that," he said.
The August edition of SPIELFELD magazine additionally includes the milestones achieved by director of football Alexander Rosen, who has prematurely extended his contract until 2025. There is also an in-depth piece on Ermin Bičakčić in which he speaks about his long journey back to Bundesliga football – and, as always, the club magazine includes more than 100 pages worth flicking through, brimming with interesting and exciting content from the world of TSG.
SPIELFELD is the TSG Hoffenheim club magazine. Brimming with important content about TSG and the region, SPIELFELD is published 11 times per year. You can pick up your copy free of charge in the Fan Shop – or have it delivered to your home. The shipping cost is only €18.99.