TSG now located on Peter-Hofmann-Weg
This is a nice way of keeping the memory of Peter Hofmann alive and honouring the work he did for TSG," explained Hofmann's successor and long-time friend Kristian Baumgärtner. Renaming the street, which is often mentioned in a national context as the address of both the club headquarters and the Dietmar-Hopp-Stadion, is a good solution." The request was unanimously approved by the local council in Hoffenheim.
This means that there will now be two changes of address: the "Fairplay" accommodation building, previously Silbergasse 43, is now Peter-Hofmann-Weg 1, while the stadium building, formerly Silbergasse 45, is now located at Peter-Hofmann-Weg 3.
TSG shareholder Dietmar Hopp is also pleased about the tribute being paid to his long-time companion. "As a Hoffenheim native, Peter Hofmann had been with TSG and helped shape its path for many years – from player to first chairman. I'm delighted he is now to receive this deserved honour and that his name will continue to be spoken on a regular basis."
Sinsheim mayor Jörg Albrecht and local administrator Karlheinz Hess declared: "TSG have lost a great person in Peter Hofmann. The fact we're now naming a street in his hometown after him is a nice way of remembering and honouring Peter Hofmann."