More than just a cup: do good with your donation
And here's where you come into play: you can help decide which of the following projects will receive your donations next year. Vote now!
You can choose between the following projects:
TSG hilft e.V.
In 2020, "TSG helps" was founded as a sign of solidarity and willingness to help the people and clubs in the region make it through the coronavirus crisis. The people and clubs in the region are struggling with the current situation, and solidarity and togetherness are still needed, because this crisis – particularly financially – will continue to affect people and clubs for some time to come. That's why TSG helps is looking to help.
Viva con Agua: Football4Wash programme
With the sustainable umoja textile brand, which is 100% produced in Uganda, TSG Hoffenheim is already supporting Viva con Agua's Football4Wash (F4W) programme by donating one tenth of all gross revenues. The programme aims to improve the health and living conditions of around 1500 children and young people growing up in the disadvantaged communities of Kampala. About 50 community coaches are trained to become certified F4W teachers in order to teach children and young people about water, hygiene and sanitation. Football is also an integral part of the learning concept, and is used to help the children learn more about these important topics in a playful and fun way. They then pass on the knowledge they have learned in public F4W competitions, allowing them to reach other people in the communities. And not only that: together, the towns also carry out community cleanups, and receive water filters as well as hand washing stations as part of the project.
TSG in Africa – Uganda reforestation project
In Uganda, TSG is supporting a reforestation project in which small farmers redevelop forest areas. To date, around 1750 hectares have been reforested – that is the equivalent of about 2,500 football pitches. With the help of the project, a total of 369,000 new trees have already been planted. This not only helps compensate for the CO2 footprint of the travel of our TSG team and the away team*, but also helps small-scale farmers who carry out the project on site. Around 1,700 smallholder farmers and their families benefit from the project.
*According to the WWF Gold Standard
A playground for the Lichtenstern School
The school of the Evangelical foundation Lichtenstern offers targeted holistic and individual support for pupils with mental and physical disabilities through its educational programmes. To bring a little joy to the children and to implement special funding opportunities, the foundation wants to bring the outdated playground into the 21st century. The handicapped-accessible playground should help make the children's breaktimes valuable experiences.
Outdoor sporting areas for the Gotteshütte youth centre
The Evangelical foundation Gottesshütte is an institution offering help to young people and has many years of experience in child and youth welfare. The foundation helps give children and young people a leg up and helps young adults get through difficult situations. The foundation is hoping to renovate and redesign the outdoor areas, kitting out the on-site football pitch with new goals and nets. The centre is also lacking an age-appropriate playground, so the donations will also go towards that.
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