
Cup donation for the Jugendhof Gotteshütte

Together with sustainability partner PreZero, TSG Hoffenheim had been looking for a new project to support through cup donations at the PreZero Arena. TSG fans have voted in favour of the Jugendhof Gotteshütte.

You have voted, and the majority has chosen the outdoor sports facility at the Jugendhof Gotteshütte. In the poll for cup donations at the PreZero Arena, 71% of the votes went to the youth support project. The church foundation gives children and young people a leg up and helps young adults in difficult situations. The proceeds from the cup donation project will be used to renovate the foundation's outdoor facilities, including equipping the football pitch with goals, nets and fencing.

This Friday, at the game against VfB Stuttgart, donate your cups at the designated stations in the PreZero Arena and do some good for the Jugendhof Gotteshütte.

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