
No comment with Kevin Vogt

Kevin Vogt has worn the blue jersey of TSG Hoffenheim for five years now. The Witten native has made over 150 appearances for TSG since his move to the Kraichgau from 1. FC Cologne. He has become one of the club's top performers and found a second home in Hoffenheim. But what does the defender get up to in his private life? Vogt, who turns 30 on 23 September, shared a few details with SPIELFELD - all without saying a single word.


Your teammate and friend Benjamin Hubner could soon be out on the pitch with you again. How will you greet him?


The first fixtures of the 2021/22 Bundesliga season have been played. What are your goals for the rest of the campaign?


You have been an important part of the TSG defence for five years now. What defines your game?


You are still waiting to get your first goal in a competitive game for TSG. How do you want to score it?


Do you have a celebration ready for when you score a goal?


Away from the pitch, you stand out through your dress sense. What is your favourite item of clothing?


You'll turn 30 on 23 September. How are you feeling ahead of the big day?


You are 1.94 metres tall. Does this ever cause problems in everyday life?


What would you have done if you didn't make it as a professional footballer?


You have a few tattoos on your body. Which one means the most to you?

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