TSG shareholders change board of management
''It is the shareholders' job to work together with the board of management to develop the club further. And now of all times it's important to set the right course at various levels in order to keep the club and its core business fit for the future,'' says TSG majority shareholder Dietmar Hopp. "Recently, it became increasingly clear that there were different views on how TSG Hoffenheim should be organised and managed. That is why we decided to take this step," explains Hopp.
Dr Peter Görlich's expertise was instrumental in helping TSG Hoffenheim make a name for itself in the fields of innovation and science in football. Together with Prof. Dr. Jan Mayer, he was also involved in setting up ResearchLab gGmbH. Since the restructuring of the board of management last summer, he has been responsible for the departments of sport, innovation and internationalisation. During his time at TSG Hoffenheim, Dr Görlich also held positions of responsibility at TSG Reha GmbH and the TSG Academy.
The shareholders would like to thank Dr Peter Görlich for his work and wish him all the best for his personal and professional future.