TSG pay visit to Trinidad & Tobago Football Federation
The educational series, which began in April, has already welcomed speakers from top European clubs Manchester United, Aston Villa and Atlético Madrid, as well as experts from the high-performance department of the Sports Company of Trinidad and Tobago and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Arne Stratmann and Maximilian Roth led the next online event, entitled "Coaching Education & Player Development", in early June.
In the first part Maximilian Roth, the sporting coordinator of the TSG Football School and the co-coach of the U12s, introduced the Bundesliga club by outlining its future strategy "TSG is on the move" and gave the almost 80 participants from Trinidad and Tobago, the USA and Canada an understanding of the central areas of action: "Innovation", "Staff & Players", "Youth & Fans", "Ecology" and "Africa". Roth also explained the role of performance diagnostics, development and management from a scientific perspective, and highlighted the use of diagnostic and cognitive tools such as the 360-degree helix or the Footbonaut in training operations. In addition, the key elements of the training philosophy at the TSG Academy were examined in more detail and the "TSG path" from the youth setup to the professional squad was presented using various key figures and statistics.
In the second part Arne Stratmann, coordinator of the Talented Youngster Team and the coach of the U13s, focused on internal and external elements of coach education and further training in the field of children's and youth football, and taught the audience the basics of child-friendly football training based on the recently published book "Kinderfußball - Trainieren wie die TSG Hoffenheim" (Children's Football - Train like TSG Hoffenheim). With the help of numerous practical examples, he explained to the participants the basic principles, goals and contents, as well as the important points when it comes to the successful yet age-appropriate promotion of young talents.
The 2.5-hour webinar generated a great deal of interest among the audience, as demonstrated by the extensive Q&A session that followed the presentation and the positive feedback from the Football Federation. For Roth, the online event was an unqualified success: "It was a lot of fun and also a very exciting exchange with the people in charge at the Football Association and the participating coaches. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Dion La Foucade, the technical director of the TFFA, who organised the event. We're looking forward to leading more training sessions of this kind in the future."