No Comment: Chris Richards

Chris, you are very politically active. You are strongly committed to human rights. What movement is particularly important to you?

David Alaba gave you the nickname "Texas". What do you associate with the region?

On your social media channels, however, you're called "eastmamba." Where does that name come from?

We associate another basketball player with Texas. What do you think of him?

You used to play basketball yourself. How well can you handle the ball today?

You also did athletics when you were younger. What was your best discipline back then?

Football, basketball, sprinting. Is there another sport you like to watch on TV?

You have a very eye-catching hairstyle. What do you do in the morning to make sure your hair looks like that every day?

You have been living in Germany for three years now. What was the first German word you learned?

What was the most difficult decision you have had to make in your life to date?