
''TSG helps'' supports sports clubs in the region

With the support of partners, sponsors and fans, the non-profit organisation "TSG helps" - founded by Bundesliga club TSG Hoffenheim - is showing its solidarity with sports clubs in the Rhine-Neckar region hit by the Coronavirus pandemic. The financial assistance offered by the organisation, which has been in great demand, is set to continue.

"The club will continue to develop and implement new projects within its sphere of activity," said TSG managing director Denni Strich in advance of the second Coronavirus lockdown coming into effect on Monday (2 November). "One of TSG Hoffenheim's guiding principles is a commitment to social responsibility. We are well aware of our privileges as a professional club and we know from the past months how severely the restrictions are affecting clubs, not just in football. We therefore see it as our duty to help out and contribute to the preservation of a variety of clubs in our local area," says Strich.

A fourth tranche of donations at the beginning of October increased the number of clubs to receive support since March to 208. To date, a total of 135 football clubs, 34 clubs in other sports, 26 music clubs, five children's institutions and eight social or environmental projects have received financial assistance from the relief fund. 49 clubs and institutions were given support in the most recent tranche. The ''TSG helps'' organisation has received numerous additional requests since then. In the weeks to come, clubs in urgent need of support will be given financial assistance.

The relief fund was set up by TSG Hoffenheim at the beginning of the initial Coronavirus lockdown in March. The online appeal was followed by the establishment of the "TSG helps" organisation and the creation of a website - - through which applications for assistance payments can be received and processed. Those who wish to support the non-profit organisation with a donation will find all the information they need on the homepage.

The project has generated an enormous response. The messages received from the clubs supported in the fourth tranche serve as an indication of the impact ''TSG helps,'' has had: ''We are so happy. Many, many thanks. Full praise to the organisation for supporting small clubs through these tough times. Amazing,'' said Axel Huber from VfK Diedesheim - a club that has football, gymnastics, volleyball and cycling sections, as well as a small theatre group. "You wouldn't believe the burden that this financial aid has taken off my shoulders as president. One again, thank you a thousand times," wrote Christina Hillenbrand, the president of Sängerbund 1869 Mühlhausen e.V., in a letter to "TSG helps".

The support fund is made up of salary waivers by TSG Hoffenheim's Bundesliga first team, the coaching and support team and club management, as well as donations from partners, fans, the youth teams and individuals. A substantial proportion of the total amount distributed to date has come from TSG season ticket holders who waived refunds offered for matches which were played behind closed doors. "Such generosity cannot be taken for granted, especially in these uncertain times," says TSG managing director Denni Strich, adding: "It serves as an impressive demonstration of the goodwill and generosity of our fans and partners."

An independent committee of the club's charity "TSG helps" examines applications on the basis of a set of criteria, which, in addition to regional and social aspects, place emphasis on the values espoused by TSG Hoffenheim, such as the promotion of young talent, education, fairness, health and sustainability. 21 clubs and institutions received donations in the first phase of support, 64 in the second and 74 in the third.

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