Sports court activates BVB's suspended sentence
The activation of the suspended sentence means that Dortmund supporters will be banned from all competitive matches in Hoffenheim for the next two seasons. In addition, BVB must compensate Hoffenheim for the reduction in revenues caused by the spectators banned from the away section.
Lorenz: "Activation of the suspended sentence unavoidable"
Hans E. Lorenz, chairman of the DFB Sports Court, said: "The activation of the suspended sentence was unavoidable after the renewed slurs against Dietmar Hopp following the previous judgment of 2 November 2018. However, today's ruling is not a departure from the line taken in recent years to impose fines on unsportsmanlike behaviour by spectators. Banning spectators remains an option for serious exceptional cases, where a fine would be inappropriate."
Dortmund spectators had once again insulted Hoffenheim patron Dietmar Hopp on a massive scale during the Bundesliga match on 20 December 2019 with posters, banners and songs.
Borussia Dortmund has already agreed to the activation of the suspended sentence in light of the exclusion of spectators.