Elmkies wins award for film project
Over 100 guests came to the Dietmar Hopp Stadium to attend the award ceremony, including local district authority chief Stefan Dallinger and the Mayor of Hoffenheim, Jörg Albrecht. The reason was a special one: Ilay Elmkies received the ''Jugend zeigt Zivilcourage'' (Youth Shows Civil Courage) prize from the charitable organisation ''Lernort Zivilcourage & Widerstand'' (Educational Hub for Civil Courage & Resistance) for his involvement in the short film ''Zahor - Erinnere dich'' (Zahor - Remember). In addition to the TSG first-team star, 13 other individuals were awarded for their civil engagement.
''Being involved in this project was a real honour for me. It was a very memorable experience,'' said Ilay Elmkies. The Israel international, who signed for TSG in the January transfer window, provided the audio narration for the short film. The 20-minute documentary tells the story of the Menachem brothers and Fred Mayer, who grew up in Hoffenheim and whose families were torn apart by the Nazis in the second world war.