
Transport information for the Youth League match

The UEFA Youth League quarter-final between TSG Hoffenheim and Real Madrid, which will take place at the Dietmar-Hopp-Stadion at 18:00 CET on Wednesday, has been sold out for days. As there is expected to be a high volume of traffic, we recommend that you travel to the stadium with public transport and request that you take note of the following information.
  • The access road to Silbergasse and the Dietmar-Hopp-Stadion is blocked.
  • Please use the Waldparkplatz on the B45 at the exit from Hoffenheim in the direction of Zuzenhausen.
  • In addition, the outdoor grounds of the company AKO Kolb (Große Minke, 74889 Hoffenheim) and the P&R carpark at Hoffenheim station (Eschelbacher Straße, 74889 Hoffenheim) will be available.
  • All parking areas are signposted in the village.



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