TSG Representatives visit regional schools
Heidelberg-Bahnstadt Primary School is a school for everyone. During normal school days, the mixed classes of the all-inclusive school enjoy visits from football youth academies, because they are supported by the TSG AOK Campus in the form of training materials and know-how. A few of the campus' coaches went to the school to introduce TSG and their training philosophy. Training topics were covered, such as dribbling, tricks and the elements of the training ground.
After the training session the primary school children left Heidelberg, but on their way out they received a little "Hoffe" present to say thank-you for taking part with the youth academy. "It was a lovely event that was enjoyable for both us and the children," said Manuel Sanchez from the TSG AOK Campus who was impressed at the level of interest in working with TSG.
A good level of football in the academies
From May until July, 14 Campus representatives visited a further 14 schools, who are offering cooperation with the TSG football youth academy. The Campus workers were won over by the great work in the Carl-Orff School in Sinsheim, the Sonnenberg School in Angelbacht, Waldangelloch Primary School, Nassig Primary School, Adam-Karillon School in Wald-Michelbach, Herxheim Primary School, Franz-Josef-Kuhn Primary School in Langenbruecken, Dallau Primary School, Michael Ende School in Bad-Schoenborn, Erich-Kastner School in Mannheim, Tiefburg Primary School in Heidelberg, Wolfram-von-Eschenbach Primary School in Amorbach and Kraichgau Secondary School in Sinsheim.
The visits are due to take place every year in each of the schools in order to support the project, whilst also allowing the children and coaches alike to get to know each other first-hand, as well as demonstrating the content and ideas of the TSG training philosophy. "It was nice to see that so many children took part in what we offered with so much enjoyment and excitement," said Sanchez. Despite the very diverse groups, the campus employees also found a good level of footballing skills in all working groups.