Grand final for primary school tournament at the Gmelin-Stadion
Around 900 girls' and boys' teams took part in this year's "Youth trains for the Olympics" school football tournament, and after a series of district and regional tournaments the best eight teams came to Sinsheim to decide who would be Baden-Württemberg champions.
A number of organisations were involved in arranging the tournament, including the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sport, the City of Sinsheim, the Baden-Württemberg football associations, TSG, AOK and the Wilhelmi-Gymnasium. The venue for the grand final was the beautifully maintained sports facility at the Helmut-Gmelin-Stadion.
The boys and girls were first each divided into two groups of four to decide which four teams would play for the top four positions. By the end of the event the girls from the Mörike School in Reutlingen-Sondelfingen and the boys from the Reinhold-Schneider School from Freiburg ran out as clear winners.
TSG organise supporting programme
The two main tournament organisers, Helmut Kottmann from "Youth trains for the Olympics" and Andreas Wenz from the regional government, were happy with more than just the high quality and spirit of fair play on display during the tournament. "We saw a lot of exciting and often high-quality games, and we were particularly impressed by the enthusiasm shown by the players and the people who came along to support them," said Kottmann, who also enjoyed the wonderful weather and the smooth organisation of the tournament.
TSG and AOK Baden-Württemberg organised the supporting programme for the tournament, with the award ceremony to recognise the performance of these talented young footballers being attended by Jörg Albrecht, mayor of Sinsheim, and representatives from TSG, AOK and the Baden, South Baden and Württemberg football associations.
The final results for the girls:
1. Mörike School, Sondelfingen
2. Steingarten Primary School, Donzdorf
3. Burgberg Primary School
4. Amtzell State School
5. Fröbel School, Heidelberg
6. Reinhold-Schneider School, Freiburg
7. Elztal School, Elztal
8. Aldingen School
The final results for the boys:
1. Reinhold-Schneider School, Freiburg
2. Deutschorden School, Lauchheim
3. Anne-Frank School, Freiburg
4. Adolf-Kußmaul Primary School, Graben-Neudorf
5. Schlösslefeld School, Ludwigsburg
6. Bischweier Primary School
7. Tannheim Primary School
8. Mörike School, Sondelfingen