
Markus Gisdol: "Proud of our fans"

Markus Gisdol has been manager of TSG 1899 Hoffenheim for more than six months now. Since his arrival, he and his players have come a long way. The connection with the supporters and the club has also intensified since his appointment. In an interview with, he spoke of the TSG fans.

Markus, you've been here in Hoffenheim for just over half a year now and have achieved a great deal in that time. Have you had a moment or two to look back on what exactly you have achieved?

Markus Gisdol: Yes, I have and have had these moments, despite the hectic nature of each day. They are positive memories, but it's important that the focus continues to stay on what is ahead of us. We are making our way together on this path but we are just at the beginning.

You've been well received for your methods and ensuing success, both nationally and in the region.

Gisdol: It's not about me. The team, Alexander Rosen, the staff supporting the team, everyone involved in the club and the fantastic fans of Hoffenheim have all enabled us to tread this path. You can only achieve something like this if everyone pulls together.

In Germany, Hoffenheim are still sneered, which challenges the club's fans. How do you see the situation?

Gisdol: Our fans are magnificent! How they supported us at the end of last season, thousands of them at Dortmund and Kaiserslautern, was indescribable. And also impressive for such a small club, that haven't been playing with the big boys for that long. Our fan culture is brilliant, but it also needs time to develop, like at every other club in the world. I am very proud of our fans.

Are the positive things tarnished by the fact that the WIRSOL Rhein-Neckar Arena has never been sold out this season?

Gisdol: Not at all. We are happy with each and every fan that comes into the stadium. Against Gladbach and Schalke there were hardly any seats left. And in the cup game against Cottbus, we also had 11,000 here and their support was fantastic. It is worth saying that that support came despite the fact we made it hard for ourselves and didn't find the breakthrough until extra time.

In Mainz, a record number of 1,200 travelling Hoffenheim fans supported the team…

Gisdol: Yes, that was also outstanding. They sang against the 20,000 Mainz fans for the entire 90 minutes. And it nearly proved to be enough as well. What I really like is that sense that our fans have. I always have the feeling that they are fully committed to travelling the same path as us, and that they will forgive us bad games and poor results. Support like that is important, especially for the team that take to the field because they can feel it.

What can the fans expect in the future?

Gisdol: Everything that we have been working towards in the past months. That is what we want to promote. There's no need for big talk. We must be modest but also ambitious enough to work on our goals.

What exactly are they?

Gisdol: We want to establish ourselves, Hoffenheim, as a Bundesliga club. At the moment, that means playing a worry-free season where we continuously pick up points, upset the bigger teams and above all entertain our fans with attractive and attacking football. We want to maintain the connection we have with our fans so that they can continue to make this journey with us.

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